
Course Category: Seismic

Codes & Standards

TMS 402/602-22 Review #3: Seismic/Limit States Design per TMS 402/602-22

This session of the TMS 402/602-22 Night School will review the changes to the provisions in Chapter 7 and Appendix C that effect the seismic design of masonry structures. This will include revisions to the requirements for special reinforced masonry shear walls, changes to the requirements based on the assigned Seismic Design Category, and changes made to the treatment of seismic displacements in the masonry code, including a new deformation compatibility provision.…

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AIA Approved

Achieving Resilience: How Masonry Supports Resilient Designs

This course provides an overview of resilient design and discusses how resilient design is and is not covered by building codes and standards. The role of masonry construction in meeting resilient design goals is explained, and the inherent properties of masonry that make it resilient are described.…

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Rational Design of Masonry Veneers and Shelf Angle Supports

Chapter 12 of the TMS 402 2016 includes provisions for the design of anchored and adhered masonry veneer. Although the vast majority of anchored masonry veneer systems are designed using the prescriptive provisions within this standard, veneers in high wind zones, high seismic zones, or constructed with large distances between the backing walls and the veneer cannot be designed using these prescriptive provisions.…

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Design of Masonry Shear Walls

The design of reinforced masonry shear walls using both the Allowable Stress Design method and the Strength Design method is covered in this lesson.  The requirements for both the design for overturning and the design for shear are explained. The prescriptive seismic detailing requirements for each of three reinforced masonry shear walls types, ordinary, intermediate, and special, are explained, with particular attention to special reinforced shear walls.…

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Anchor Bolt Design

There were two major changes to the anchor bolt design provisions in the 2016 edition of TMS 402.  One change was to increase the calculated shear crushing strength by 67%.  The other change was to go from a linear interaction equation for combined bending and shear to an elliptical interaction equation. …

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Codes & Standards

Direct Design Software for Masonry Structures (FREE)

The perpetual evolution of design and construction requirements adopted by building codes presents an ongoing challenge to designers and code officials as they strive to keep pace with these changes. In response, the National Concrete Masonry Association developed and released the Direct Design Software as a simple, intuitive resource to quickly generate code-compliant designs of structural masonry buildings.…

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